
It has been three years since I have posted here, and while it might be easy to wave away as something as simple as *PANDEMIC* with all the spooky baggage that entails, that is a copout.

I got busy gaming again, in 2019, running a small game group nearly every day at lunch break for a group of my coworkers. It truly was a blast throwing bones and praying to RNGesus daily. So a good chunk of my available downtime to get to this was occupied by brand new adventures.

But then, a year later, it was the new year 2020, and the genuine chaos hit. I live in Canada, and while we have a pretty good free system in place, it was hampered by the massive changes to damn near everything forever.

Then, once that settled, and life became much more compact…. I just wasn’t writing. I’d like to say I was keeping myself sane but really, I was probably just as bent as any of you were as well. And then, really, to cope with that, I started up a new online game group to ‘keep busy’ during the week, meeting with them weekly during the day and starting up a bunch of playtesting for a personal project of mine; Shattered Worlds, a campaign setting for GURPS.

So now, here we are, a few years later and wiser, and worn and tired. And I find myself with probably just as much free time to write as I did before. And now, I just need to get over that writers block hump.

And would you look at that. Here I am. Writing on the blog again. 278 words and counting :V

About KentonBlack

I'm an avid gamer, computer troubleshooter, and all around dashing fellow. I blog After Action Reports on my gaming, running as the GM for several GURPS 4e games
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