Grimwyrd: Fierce Challenges

[4 weeks, 3 missed sessions, and a partridge in a pear tree later, we resume gaming. Adolph is away for some time, but gave us the go ahead to run him in his absence (NPC mode) so there is a bit of Ken(GM)/Bomrek chatter here -Ken]

Ken (GM): ayyy
how is yall
ah shit and joush too now :d
P.P. A.: can’t complain
Joush M.: I’m doing okay. Glad to get to the weekend. It was a strange, stupid week
Ken (GM): amen
fuck strange happening
gimme regularity, on the reg
just poking the fiss here
so, sorry about flaking so hard for like, a month
Ken (GM): I probably could have foreseen more than half of those short notice cancellations if I didn’t have my head up my butt
P.P. A.: It’s fine, now we can finally get back to our GURPS campaign! How do you play this again, roll 20-sided dice?
Doc: i check for traps
rolling d20 (4)= 4
neat, i found four traps
Ken (GM): ~you find no traps~
P.P. A.: well that’s definitely below your trap skill, so that’s a fail
Joush M.: You’ve got to yell GURPS when you roll the same number twice in a row
Doc: i hang out with people who use anime avatars, I think my trap skill is a bit higher than that
P.P. A.: Yeah but you need to roll higher than your skill on a d20 to succeed
No wait, I’m confusing systems! GURPS was the one where you roll a pool of D6s and then count the successes!
Ken (GM): this is quickly devolving into a very familiar discussion on ThAC0
Doc: “I am not allowed to name my fighter “Bab Thaco”
Ken (GM): “I am not allowed to weaponize the bag of holding”
“I am forbidden to own ten foot poles”
“I am also forbidden from 11 foot poles, or longer”
Doc: anyway bad news: I couldn’t sleep for shit last night
good news: my brain is working right now thanks to Red Bull
Joush M. rolls 94 D6 to shadowrun.
Joush M.: Glad to hear it man
Doc: hopefully I can remember how to Rod
Joush M.: Sorry about the rough night
Doc: and that I don’t crash too early
Ken (GM): as fiss always said “CAFFFIIIIIIINE”
also, drink water
hey fiss!
Fiss gets thrown out of the Astrotrain by Starscream and gets eaten by Unicron
Ken (GM): thats what cha get, trusting starscream and all
such a sassy robot
Fiss: Yep. Well, at least I’ve got the touch. AND the power. Yeah.
Anyway…ELF MODE!
Syviis bursts from Fiss’ chest
Doc: tfw no sassy robot gf
Syviis: [youllneverhaveasassyrobotgf.png]
Doc: so did I dismount my horse or does the platform look sturdy enough that I could muscle in on it


Doc: looks like I dismounted

Ken (GM) The party has arrived at The Moot; venturing back to the refugees, they saw the mighty magical works of the Scorned transforming the countryside into a new community of daub huts and growing fields. Unfortunately, the old tenders also have plans for the new peoples, and the offer of indentured servitude has come across poorly!

Ken (GM) Your group stands atop a makeshift stage that hosts Ulm and the tribes-leaders. They fiercely have been debating with the heads of the guilds, the Lords. You’re surrounded from the crowd and by your soldiers (headed by the dorf captain)
The rabble is restless

Ken (GM): [Rod has dismounted, with Bavieca nearby. As well, Syviis disappeared into the crowd on ‘business’]
Syviis: [Yep, I’m not sure where my target is based on the new map though]
(To Syviis): Top left, between the huts

Gray visibly restrains himself, holding himself back from taking any action before Roderick has a chance to talk and try and draw the situation back from the edge. The savage Beastman tense and heavily armed.
P.P. A.: there’s a lot of Elves on the map now.
Since Elves all kinda look the same, it has become physically impossible to locate Syviis’ icon now
Ken (GM): lol
Syviis knows where she is now
P.P. A.: (actually she’s in the top-left corner neat those thatched huts)
Syviis will worry about the elvish identity crisis later
(To Syviis): The man you’ve stalked upon is a wizard of some power; you can clearly see his aura and that he is working a subtle enchantment on the crowd. Its emotion control, dark and heady, red tinged with hatred and malice. He seems to have been riling up the crowd. He is cloaked in some tattered clothes, but you can see the fine cuffs of a deep grey cloak on underneath, cut from some fine cloth. He has not yet noticed you (what with the near-crit approach rolled last session)
(From Syviis): what kind of rolls would I need to basically trip the dude on his arse?
(To Syviis): Some kind of melee attack, (a kick would do) and then he tries to not fall prone with DX. Youve got surprise on your side

(To Syviis): An arrow in the leg could do that too 😛
(From Syviis): 10-4 on that. Brawling skill go….target is a nasty 13, but I’ll all-out attack for it, for a 17
Syviis: (To GM) rolling 3d6(5+1+4)= 10

Ken (GM): Roderick, I believe you had the attention of the crowd, and were about to make a point!
Doc: He mostly just wanted to interrupt by showing up, does it look like the negotiators are going to say something to him?
Ken (GM) The arrival of your troupe prompted cheers and jeers from the crowd; approaching the stage, the leaders barely acknowledge your coming, throwing more vitriol at each other than anything else

(To Syviis): A quick thump to the back of the leg and you catch him completely by surprise! He stumbles easily onto his back with you towering over him. As he falls, his cloak opens up, and you see a silver sword hing from his belt wrapped in a dirty rag. The handle protrudes and you see the blood red gems worked into the design, and the malign magic aura on them as well! A silver sword!
(From Syviis): I’ll raise my bow and aim for his head. “Don’t do it…” in a hard whisper.

Roderick clears his throat and announces himself to the leaders. “What is the meaning of this?”
Gray seems to be watching the one with the chains. Strong hands flexing, opening and closing, the brute’s bright, lupine eyes narrowed.
Suðri Skornbrekker is mulling over the situation, and the arguments to be made for either side. He has a bit of trouble defending the refugees’ position, but makes an effort to understand their feelings here.
Ken (GM) The shouting match subsides for a moment, both Ulm and the Smith-Lord backing up a step. “Roderick! You have returned!”
Doc: [any of these guys armored btw?]
Ken (GM): [the lords seem to be wearing some ornamental chest pieces, Breastplates with the guild-sign emblazoned on it. They’re certainly not fully suited up though]

(To Syviis): Perception check
Syviis: (To GM) rolling 3d6(6+4+2)= 12
(From Syviis): beat by 1
(To Syviis): He seems to have lost control of the illusion that he was a tiefling; he is a man! Pale skinned, he has thin scars crisscrossing his face, and his eyes have an aura to them, (subtle, barely there), that looks entirely foreign. There is some magic at work in his mind!

(To Syviis): “You! Jadeite’s work will not be foiled here today!” he speaks back, under the roar of the crowd
(From Syviis): hearing Jadeite’s name is all the confirmation I need, and I will fire a magic-less arrow into his eye….or attempt to.
(To Syviis): JFC rolls it!
(From Syviis): target
Syviis: (To GM) rolling 3d6(2+4+1)=
(To Syviis): The arrow sinks to the fletching and pins him to the ground. Immediately, the magic stops flowing from him…but you see the mind-magic linger on him, like a pair of eyes watching you through his corpse
(From Syviis): will pull him between the two huts to see if there’s a way I can disrupt the scars…even if it means making a new one…er…cut. Stealth/strength to pull him from view quietly; mitigating panic in the onlookers?

(To Fiss): STEALTH
(From Syviis): target is
15 minus / plus whatever you figure
Syviis: (To GM) rolling 3d6(5+6+6)=
(From Syviis): lol…of course…

Doc: Who’s got our trophies? (also what was the reason we set out for that fort a couple irl months ago)
P.P. A.: (Elven cultist were being elven, and they also attacked and kidnapped folk, so we went over to their hideout to kill them)
Ken (GM): [yeah you were essentially out on a kill team to stop the cult. Y’all have tattoos wrapped in bark. Grey’s got em]
Joush M.: we didn’t want to leave the evil elves here before we went North to collect the blade of the kingdom for our ritual to try and unfuck the things we broke

Roderick: “Victorious, I might add. The fort has fallen, the cultists slain.” He nods to Gray, gesturing that he should show their proof.
Gray nods and takes out those grim trophies, displaying them a moment, holding them that the crowd can see before he throws them down in front of the men on the stage.

Ken (GM) The crowd who was rowdily howling for justice and riot moments ago seems to quiet suddenly… a second of near silence rolls out from the group. Then a single shriek of panic and fear comes up from the back of the crowd, near the huts to the North end
and you see Syviis standing over a man with a bloody arrow sticking out of his face

Syviis looks up with a sigh and shakes her head….realizing she will have to rely on her words and panicking slightly “No! It’s not what you think! This man was casting a spell on the crowd!” Syviis pulls out the bloody arrow….not really realizing his eyeball is still on the end

Suðri Skornbrekker looks on bepuzzled. He would snark with Bomrek about Syviis’ Elven impulses getting the better of her, but the situation seems to tense for that.
“What kind of spell?” he shouts over. Suðri climbs up the edge of the stage to have the high ground depending on what might happen next, and squats at the corner of the wooden platform.

Gray looks to Syviis, wincing a touch at the gristly display but moving a touch closer to the edge of the stage.

Syviis swallows back the nervousness in her voice “A moment ago, how did you all feel? This man was feeding you anger, hate, mistrust…” Syviis notices the eyeball and promptly hides it behind her back
P.P. A.: (Personally I’m convinced. He doesn’t have a round icon but a small “figure” instead, clearly he was an enemy)

P.P. A.: then again so do the guild members here
Suðri Skornbrekker strokes his beard. “Does anyone know that man?” he asks the crowd.

Syviis shoots Rod an apologetic look, she had been hoping to make his job easier…not harder.

Roderick turns and shouts to the crowd. “Anyone who does not know that man, return to your homes! We will get to the bottom of this, but you endanger yourselves by standing in this crowd!”
Ken (GM): Rod! Public speaking, if you will, please!
Ken (GM) the crowd mills, unsure. The heated emotions gone from them, they seem a bit dazed, but the groteque scene seems to have them enraptured
P.P. A.: Now that the spell is gone, I’m sure they’re all eager to put on those shackles! 😀
Syviis stands over the body, waiting patiently, blushing furiously as she realized she forgot that pinning the mage’s head to the ground and trying to move it before removing the arrow was not the best combination for stealth.
Roderick: rolling 3d6 vs 15(2+2+5)= 9
Ken (GM): nice!

Ken (GM) There are protests from the crowd, but quickly the guard and leaders echo the cry “Home! All of you! This will be decided another day! Cooler heads will prevail!”

The crowd mills but disperses, walking away from the whole affair sullenly. The anger and riot is drained from them all, and the general feeling is one of relief now.
Your guardsmen disperse with them, acting as watchmen, escorting along all to move quietly and cooperatively away from the Moot.
Roderick watches carefully for any who seem like they could be provocateurs

Suðri Skornbrekker scratches his head. “That was easier than I thought it would be.” Suðri walks up to Roderick & co., as it seems this debate is now going to be continued in a more private circle.

Syviis is busy blushing and ignoring the rigor mortis grin from her victim as it stares at her with a crooked smirk.
Roderick sighs with relief and goes to investigate the dead guy. “I couldn’t have asked for a more balanced show of force,” he smiles at Syviis.
Syviis bows her head gratefully “I was hoping to end the threat in the shadows… I’m sorry I interrupted with my mistake…”
Roderick looks at the dead guy. “An interruption is precisely what was needed.”
(From Doc): do I need a roll for “look at dead guy?”
Gray: “You acted on instinct. It’s done, and worked out well enough..” He looks to the man with chains, nearly growling, then walks over to the mage, examining him.

Suðri Skornbrekker: “Gentlemen,” Suðri begins addressing both the human lords and the non-humans, “I am sure there is grounds for a more amicable compromise. This land is indeed the lords’, and so it makes sense that they would want to have these new tenants profess their loyalty to them, so that they need not worry about their lands being estranged from them. On the other hand, to put these Scorned and Rovers in shackles is hardly respectful of the work they have done.”

“The throne is vacant; but when a new king is crowned, how would he react to whichever outcome may be achieved here? Surely he would send an army if he hears that his vassals’ lands have been seized by riotous Rovers and Scorned; but likewise, he would surely appreciate if law and order was maintained, and if his borderlands were tended, and his subjects at peace.”

Suðri Skornbrekker: “If I may be so impudent, I would suggest the following: both sides sign with each other a contract wherein the land is leased to the refugees, who assume the duties of proper peasants and promise to pay their dues to the lords; but if the lands down south recover, they are free to return there; and if a new king is crowned, he may review the matter, and make a fair judgement.”

[It was at about this point, Ken made the mistake of assisting his wife with Jalapeno’s, and then itching above his eye. Essentially Macing himself in the process -Ken]

Ken (GM): sorry
i gotta got
its in my eyes
Fiss: oh shit dawg
P.P.A: Can that leave lasting damage?
Doc: not generally
P.P.A: or it is “just” utterly painful?
Doc: unless you count “hurts like a motherfucker for what seems like years”
Fiss: Go. Save your sight-orbs, Ken
Joush M.: Poor bastard, yeah, that’s brutal
Fiss: What happened? I don’t have Discord access here
Doc: pepper spray/tear gas is up there in my top 5 most painful experiences, right up there with kidney stones
P.P. A.: he touched his nose with spicy fingers
Fiss: Ahh shit
P.P. A.: now there’s hot spices in his eyes
Fiss: Yep, that would do it
P.P. A.: Jalapeno pepper
Joush M.: So he’s got to rinse with water and be in agony for a while. Then he will have to make himself watch a safety video on pepper handling
Fiss: I dunno if he’ll need a video. His eyes will probably remember for him haha

[Roughly 30 minutes of Agony later -Ken]

Ken (GM): okay back
that sucked
I got some baking soda crystals in my eyes
JFC I think im cursed
Doc: the dwarf went on a monologue
so yeah pretty sure you’re cursed
Ken (GM): I saw!
Fiss: Best Dwarven Monologue ever. Syviis is actually pretty impressed….doubly so that it didn’t end up blaming elves lol ( yet )
Ken (GM): holy shit, yeah, talk about a reasoned argument
Joush M.: Welcome back, Sorry about the eyes
P.P. A.: (he totally blames the Elves but that’s not a solution right now, or diplomatic to bring up)
Ken (GM): I should live. Thank you for your patience.

Ken (GM) the lords and tribe heads think about Suðri’s words, and seem surprised at the eloquence. Ulm smiles broadly and pats you on the shoulder “A fine idea. We should ponder on it, and give it time to stew in our heads like fine tea.” The ogre waves his arms auspiciously, in mystic ways “For now, we should investigate this interloper in our midst” He gestures to the body

Suðri Skornbrekker nods, and hops off the platform to help investigate.
Gray kneels and examines the man, seeing if he can recognize him or any spirit that might linger near or inside the body. Checking him for anything that might help identify the mage, searching his pockets.
(To Gray): He is empty; his soul is gone. But the spirit within left… gaps. He seems to have been stretched out from within by something greater than himself…
Syviis: To Gray “His scars still bore magic even after his death…I suspect someone was viewing or controlling his actions through them.”
Suðri Skornbrekker looks if he’s an Elf. He’s probably an Elf.

Ken (GM) the man is human, pale skinned, bald, with scars criss-crossing his face intricately and crawling down his neck into his grey cloak. The clothing is a fine silver gray cloak, with a buttoned shirt beneath. He wears no insignia but the craftsmanship itself is obviously fine

Suðri Skornbrekker is surprised that it’s not an elf!
Syviis sighs at the surprise of the good Skornbrekker.
Syviis trades her bow and bloody arrow for her journal as she makes notes on the symbols and sees their secrets the best she can

Ken (GM) over-top he seemed to be disguised in a ratty cloak. On his hip, wrapped in another piece of tattered cloth, is a silver sword much like the others Rolf revealed to you. The hilt has red stones worked into the handle and crossguard.
Syviis: “More power-stones?”
Suðri Skornbrekker: “Should I ask the wizard from the capital to come take a look? Maybe he recognizes something about this man.”
Syviis: “A good idea. He may know this man, or his garb.”
Suðri Skornbrekker nods and goes to get Rolf. Suðri walks over off-screen to the cart or wherever he is.
Gray: “Scarification? Magic? The anima is gone, yet.. there was something inside him. Power almost too much for the shell to contain.” He frowns and shakes his head. Learning to regret looking at things with shaman’s sight. “Expensively dressed under the rags. A very expensive sword.” He reluctantly lifts and studies the silver blade.
Ken (GM) the silver blade gleams in the gray overcast light.
(To Gray): You have tingling on your skin where you hold the sword. Like the sword is hot…but not burning
Gray: “Magic?” He ask, offering the sword up to Syviss, letting her see the weapon. “Memory, do you recognize the scars that mark this man?”
Syviis carefully takes the sword in hand, using a piece of her note-parchment to handle it, looking it over and checking its auras

Ken (GM) Rolf returns; he got the cart stuck in the mud nearby
Suðri Skornbrekker points to the corpse. “This man was casting a spell on the crowd, inciting anger and upset. Have you seen this kind of garb in the capital before, or do you know of any groups who wear such scars?

Rolf sees the man with an arrow through his face.

He stops, turns, and throws up behind the hut nearby

Rolf: “ARGLEBLARGLEOHgods that was a surprise…”

Memory shimmers into view, and regards the gate-wizard. “Will he live?”

Gray: “Humans rarely die from purging.” He assures the dark bird that perches at his shoulder, the towering brute studying the body a moment longer before he rises to his feet, takeing a bottle of water to offer it to Rolf. “Rinse out your mouth. No shame in being unused to such things”

Suðri Skornbrekker: “…my apologies, we’ve gotten rather blunted to such sights.”

Rolf takes the skin with thanks, and gargles a moment: “Oh man, bodies….whew! Sure not used to THOSE yet!” Bravado Intensifies

Ken (GM) You feel the tingle of the bloodstones through the paper, they are pure crackling evil, but are contained in this form….otherwise, no aura
Ken (GM): lol…that WAS supposed to be a whisper startight to Syviis Magic Vision…

Syviis: “Before his death, he confirmed he was working for Jadeite, and he immediately recognized me…us… I did not have time to tell if it was the soul of the man, or whatever was in him that was speaking.”

Ken (GM) the sword seems to react to Syviis as she handles it. A red glow suffuses the blade as she grasps it
Syviis frowns and concentrates, challenging the vile enchantments with her power… not so much as to rid them from the blade, but to learn as much as she can on how to counter and detect them. “I’ve told this Darkness again and again…it will be brought out into the light and judged. It seems now I must remind their tools as well.”
(To Fiss): Perception + magic talent

[Soon to be referred to as “wizard senses” in general by everyone -Ken]

Syviis: (To GM) rolling 3d6(4+3+1)= 8
(From Syviis): beat by 8
(To Fiss): The sword is an impure thing; the bloodstones are charged by anger and hatred and magic power, and transform it all into destructive energy. A potent weapon of evil magic…

(From Syviis): she takes a deep breath and reminds herself that the anger and hate may find purchase in her rush for justice. She calms her righteous indignation and focuses the cooler part of her soul, learning what she can from the sword. If she can sense who ‘charged it’ or made it, that may come in handy later
(To Syviis): There is no signature you can sense, aside from the bloody red stones.
Syviis looks up from the blade, taking a scrubbing breath as she lowers it to the ground.

Memory hops over to the body, sticking her face into the dead mans, staring intently at the marks
Gray: “I hope you won’t need to become used to it.” He tells the man before turning back to the body, watching the raven examine the corpse.

(From Doc): any sort of Detect Lies roll or anything to see if he’s being suspicious or just actually sick from seeing a corpse
(To Roderick): Roll it! 😀
Doc: (To GM) rolling 3d6 vs 7(1+4+6)= 11
Doc: (To GM) rolling 3d6 vs 12 Thaumatology to see if he’s glowing magic or anything(3+1+2)= 6
(To Roderick): Rolf seems typical; his aura is still that of a wizard. And he seems genuinely upset at the gory sight. Probably a weak stomach, or weak character

Memory: “These runes are ancient Gorgoth, words of power used by the Lords of Night to infuse their bearers with power. I have seen them before…on the dragon-rider you destroyed. He once rode on a nightmare steed, and brought dragons to combat you.”
Gray: “That’s right. Thank you, Memory.” He says to the avian thoughtfully before he rises to his feet. “You were right to put him down fast, Syviis. He could have done a lot of damage.” Before he starts walking over to the man with the chains.
Syviis nods at Gray’s words

Suðri Skornbrekker: “That guy,” Suðri remembers, he crosses his arms and looks worried. He asks Rolf: “Were there such rune-covered wizards in the capital?”
Rolf looks grey and green at the same time, but looks the man over best he can “He wears robes as if he were a high wizard of the Academy… but his regalia is all wrong for it. As if he did not belong to the orders of the circle…UGH! Such a waste of silk!”

Syviis: “This sword is a different level of weapon than we’ve seen before. Whoever made this took real effort to imbue it with hate and anger. It could have easily been the source of the power, spell, or at least amplification of this man’s effect on the crowd, I suspect.”

Syviis: “I did not wish to risk murdering in cold blood, but he provided all the confirmation I needed with his first few words. Thankfully, his spells were not as quick as an arrow.”
Roderick: “And your arrows are quicker than most,” Rod nods.
Syviis: [watch out, Rod, that’s some panty-splooshing level elf-flattery lol] Syviis blushes and bows her head happily
Doc: Rod was just remembering all the times she’s put two arrows into a guy before anyone else even draws their weapon
it’s become a thing

Suðri Skornbrekker mutters, quietly: “I wonder what anger tastes like.”
Syviis turns to Suðri 
Suðri Skornbrekker: “You didn’t hear that!”
Syviis: “Much the same as a bloodied mouth, I suspect.”
Syviis smiles, then remembers his new powers. A curious but worried frown covers her brow “Did you intend to try to eat magical weapons now?”
Suðri Skornbrekker: “Dearest Undergrounds, no. I am convinced that magic would upset the stomach. Or otherwise be unhealthy to ingest.”
Syviis nods, relieved a bit, but the idea lingers in her mind as she ponders if their new Dwarven-Holy-Armour could dispose of such evil and use it for good

Suðri Skornbrekker turns to Rolf: “Do you think he is some kind of traitor to the Academy? Or part of some new or secret sect within it?”
Rolf: “I fear, good master dwarf, that the High Lord Jadeite might be making a personal army… After all, is it not the prerogative of despots to indoctrinate a cult following to shore up their power?”
Suðri Skornbrekker nods. “It looks the part, alas. And he is drawing on Gorgothian knowledge and magic for it.”

Ken (GM) The Guild-lord takes a step or two back at Gray’s approach
(To Gray): confronting the lords?
(From Gray): Yep. Walking right up to the guy with the chains
Gray reaches out to take the chains from the man, hand closing on them and pulling them away as he looks mutely down at the human.
Ken(GM) The clanking metal comes free from the man’s grasp. He acts surprised to be holding them, really “By all means…” he manages to mutter aloud, mostly to himself
Gray seems to consider what to do with the chains a moment before slapping the man in the face, (backhand to keep claws from cutting, and ‘lightly’ checking his strength to keep from turning this into a murder) as he stands there growling, then turns and starts to walk away.

Ken (GM) the Lord stands there aghast with a reddening mark on his face, and blood beginning to drip from his nose… The other lords stand there frozen, not quite sure how to react

Gray keeps the man’s chains, starting to walk back to the others and leaving the man there as the towering brute prowls back to the dead mage. “Sorry. Had to deal with that”
Syviis: “No apology needed, good Sir.”
Suðri Skornbrekker shrugs.
(To Doc): Savoire faire roll!
Roderick: (To GM) rolling 3d6 vs 14 (high society)(2+6+3)= 11
(To Doc): Gray needs to be careful; that could be seen as a formal Challenge. Certainly since he drew blood!

Suðri Skornbrekker: “Syviis, You said that someone might have been watching these events… through this man’s scars?”
Syviis: “I believe so. The magic from them lingered even as I severed the spell he was casting.”
Gray: “He was hollow inside. Syviis killed a puppet, not a man.”
Memory: WARK “They are old words, or power, domination, and the highest crown. The horned king’s sign. He ruled through domination of his subjects, body and soul”
Suðri Skornbrekker: “…the tendrils of this sinister Jadeite–Gorgoth alliance reach far.”
Syviis nods “Far indeed…though learning the toll this power takes, I hope it will be easier to convince new followers to run away lest they be hollowed out.”
Gray: “We should make our way North. I don’t like the idea of leaving these creatures in power any longer then we have to.”
Syviis: “If his body is indeed a viewing totem for the Darkness, I suggest we purify it with flames like the road-side and cultist examples. We don’t want anyone else to be harmed by a collection of scripts and flesh.”
“And yes…The North. We must be swift. The longer they can prepare, the more shells we will have to fight. How much time do you need, Rod? Can you broker at least a peace that will last this battle?”
Gray: “What about the sword?” He ask of the silver blade, then looks around for wood. Collecting things for a pyre

(From Syviis): can she tell if the sword is still ‘connected’ to this power source she saw through the man? Or has an effect on those it travels with? (or is that too much to ask, lol)
(To Syviis): Its more of a channel, like the torch of a welding kit. Unless you fuel it, its inert.Are you
Curious on how that works?

Roderick nods and turns to the elders. “I propose taking those who wish to fight for their freedom North with us. If Jadeite is raising an army, we would do well to do the same. If we take the restless and the troublemakers, you will be left with the reasonable. An equitable arrangement for the rest should be easier to reach in that case.”
Syviis nods at Rod’s suggestion. “We must act quickly, but I agree… going prepared will beat going as fast as we can into a ready army.”
Gray: “Aye. I can see the wisdom in that” He admits, though he stands there restlessly. The chains rattling as he shifts them in his hands.
Syviis: “as for the sword, it should be safe enough to travel with, but I worry it may influence anyone who uses it with the anger it’s charged with.”

Suðri Skornbrekker walks over to Bomrek “We should make haste to inform the mountainhomes of the Allfather’s tomb, and also warn them of the ongoings in Greyhold. They ought to prepare themselves for whatever may come.”
Syviis: ‘I’ve already sent messengers to my kin, I can only hope it serves as a warning to those not corrupted by this evil power… even if they cannot send help.”
Ken(GM)/Bomrek nods at the wisdom
Syviis: [wisdoming intensifies]
Ken(GM)/Bomrek: “Aye, we should warn the merchants too, so they can get the gold to safety first…”
Syviis laughs despite herself and pats Bomrek on the shoulder before finding a cloth to wrap the sword away for storage

Gray: “We have letters to write, nobles to batter into the idea they won’t be enslaving anyone, beasts to tell to stay calm and join an army, and a body to burn. Let’s meet back here in four hours. I’ll take care of this” He gestures to the body.
Suðri Skornbrekker: “Very well,” Suðri agrees, and will wander off with Bomrek to write letters if nothing else comes up.
Syviis: “I’ll go with you, Rod, in case I can sense more magical meddling….I promise to warn you before I attack it in the future.”
Roderick steps up to the man Gray had struck and speaks in a low voice. “You will forgive his impertinence. My friend knows little of etiquette, but I vouch for his honor. As such, I will take ‘responsibility’ for any… offense you see fit to take.”
Doc: (translated: Gray isn’t ‘guilty of striking a noble’, Rod has simply ‘challenged him to a duel if he doesn’t ignore it’)
Syviis: [Diplomacy intensifies]

Rolf looks about like a lost dog for a few moments, while you plan around him “What can we do? How can we help?”
Syviis ponders “Do you have any friends or contacts with the elves of my clan? I am worried letters may not get there in time, and magic missives might be a better option if you have someone who can receive them.”
Rolf lights up with a broad smile “I know exactly what to do!” He exclaims, grasping Simons arm
Syviis worries he’s going to open up a Hell-Gate to send a Tweet
Ken (GM): there is a THRUMMM of magic, and an unseen wind blows toward the pair of wizards…
Syviis: “T-Tell them Syviis Adjeon elf words elf words elf words
Syviis: [Basically: I am here, and I stand for the Light against the Darkness.]
Ken (GM) there is a rush of wind, a tearing noise, and a sudden SHUNK like a massive weight slamming home… and then nothing.

Rolf and Simon are gone

Syviis sighs hopefully and turns to the others with a nod

Gray still has that guy’s chains. He is lucky Gray didn’t put them on the guy and make him do all the work today. He looks surprised.. then a touch worried as the  pair of mages vanish. “I hope that means it worked”
Syviis laughs “Me too.”

Ken (GM) the high lord stiffens at Rod’s blunt words, but then raises his eyebrows at the implication, eyeing the swords at his hip

Roderick: “I hope you will understand and we can put this… miscommunication behind us.”
Ken (GM): The man pales further “Oh! No worries, Lord Roderick. I should think it was nothing worse than a grim lesson of my lack of faith in your abilities! Think nothing of it! We will trust your judgement more in the future. These are, after all, YOUR people now”
Roderick smiles and bows. “Much appreciated.”
Syviis frowns at the ‘your people’ comment, but lets Rod handle the humany-talkingy things
Ken (GM): lol
Syviis: [In Elvish] “[These humans have so many words to insult each other politely…. I’d be impressed if only we elves had double that number.]
*didn’t have
[elf wisdom typo fail]
Roderick: [Smirking in Elvish] “I suppose I have triple the number, then.
Syviis: “And that’s why you’re the negotiator” [smiles back elvishly]

Ken (GM) The lords and chieftains make their goodbyes, assuring they will discuss the plan to find an accord between the disparate peoples soon,and not rush to rash decisions so hastily. Your dwarven captain will collect the Men at arms, so you have a retinue of pike and shot as an honor guard North.

Gray burns a corpse, covering the man with his own rag disguise to spare people the view of the body while the flames catch and come alight, the wooden platform under the man burning merrily, crafted from whatever fire wood was available.
(To Gray): The body burns quickly, and there are small plumes of green flame, but otherwise it consumes rapidly and without issue

Syviis shadows Rod and makes sure to watch for further magic during any talking and noble-meeting he does

Ken (GM): [map magic]

Ken (GM) The Dwarves head into town, unchallenged, they make their way to the dwarven merchants guild. Inside, they speak for some length with the locals. There is a shared drink and some smoked fish preserves bandied about.
Ken (GM): How do you go about presenting yourselves regarding the dwarven ur-armor?
P.P. A.: Hmm

Suðri Skornbrekker explains that they have received the blessing of the All-Father, and while he does mention that he believes it is like the gemstone warriors of legend, they don’t know enough about it yet. He says that he personally would rather lay low about it until their deeds have proven them worthy of the honor, and proven that honor to be the real thing.
Ken(GM)/Bomrek boasts about shooting an undead wizard in the face, and surviving his pitiful flame magic. There are toasts.
Syviis: lol
Doc: >two kinds of people

Ken (GM) the merchants are awestruck at the prospect of returned paladins of the holiest order, but they understand your need for secrecy. There are assurances of permanent future deals brokered between your families once the secret is revealed. Youll certainly get the BEST possible profits from them in the future wink wink.

They also do take your warning to heart; there has been a lack of traffic back from the capital in the last few weeks, and in particular, since you left, an expected caravan has not yet returned on the King’s highway. They suspect the dwarven merchants may have fallen afoul of the chaos up North, and implore you to seek out the issue personally. Family matters, and all that. Dwarven blood

Gray attempts to secure a carriage and team of horses for Lord Roderick’s personal retinue here. It is a long way North… He also gets the material for banners. Some fabric and a staff at least, to mark the carriage, along with a bit of paint.
Ken (GM): Gray! A roll against 12!

Suðri Skornbrekker vows to help and Dwarves in need they might come across, and to investigate this incident on the way to Greyhold, though he can’t promise success given the storm that is brewing up North.

Gray: rolling 3d6 vs 12(6+6+2)= 14
Joush M.: Beat it by 2. High is good right? Let’s say it is
Ken (GM): lol
Syviis: lol
Ken (GM): You have the option here: Be brutal? or gentle?
Joush M.: Ahh… he’s already in a bad mood, but
he already slapped the shit out of one noble. Gentle.
Ken (GM): Gotcha

Ken (GM) Gray sets about organizing the new Lord’s carriage. He is quickly met with some resistance from The Locals of Oakway, fearful of such a mighty Scorned warrior. Rumors of his righteous lesson in savagery have already spread throughout town, “a slap heard round the roadways”.
What help you DO find comes from the Rovers and refugees. They’re more than willing to throw together a fine vessel for the highways… only They need help finding the price met. Can’t spare a board without gold, y’see?

Gray assures them there’s payment for the work and materials, the group should have little trouble meeting a reasonable price.
[also, watch out for those shady half elf merchants, yo]
Joush M.: I’ve still go those chains if they get uppity
Ken (GM): ah, threats of violence are always good on intimidate checks
Right, so how ya gonna resolve the Ro-Haern Gray? Oakway fears you and the gypsy half elves seem the easiest route so far
Gray: Ah! Yeah, deal with the Ro. See if they are willing to get things settled up for travel
Ken (GM): righto, so out-merchant them? Or another influence skill perhaps?
Joush M.: Humm.. He sucks at Merchant. Intimidate isn’t really appropriate. I suppose just see what they offer then. Ask them what kind of price they are talking about.

Ken (GM) the Rovers see that you are a creature of honest integrity and obvious influence; they can fashion you a vessel easily, the problem they have isn’t really money per-se, but rather people. A person in fact; there is a Scorned merchant who travels with his large extended family, and he owns many useful things, nearly all the materiel you need to fashion your carriage and banners.
You would simply need persuade HIM to sell to them at a more than fair price

Gray speaks to the man scorned-to-scorned. Attempting to explain why they need it, the mix of purely practical (they have to travel all the way to Grayhold) and appearances (they need to look the right part).

Ken (GM) the scorned merchant is a wizened man; he too bears horns and fur of the old ones, his many wives and children alike. You’re watched by many golden goatlike eyes in the discussion. He in turn agrees that a fair price must be met, but his issue is with the Ro-Haern’s dubious dealings in the past. They have grifted him before, and for years he has been vigilant against their dealings, simply quoting them extortionate trades to remove them from his tents.

Not that kind of Old Beastman

Gray nods in agreement. “People cheat us. ‘Beast’ means ‘fool’ to them and they know the law cares little for the complaints of monsters.” The towering brute looks to the children a moment, then back to the merchant. “I can’t ask you to trust all the Rovers, but I’ve found friends among them. If I could find a man I could vouch for, would you be willing to deal with him?”

Ken (GM) he ponders, and watches his children play in the newfound fields. He agrees to trust at least you, and your judgement. He agrees to work with the Rovers you find, but asks you smooth out any difficulties, personally

Gray agrees to that, seeing it as a fair compromise, then looks for his old commander among the Rovers. The man may have moved on… or be caught up in a strange group still, but it would be good to see a familiar face.
Ken (GM): ooooh 3d for me!
Gray: rolling 3d6(1+4+3)= 8
Ken (GM): holy shit; thats good enough for me. If anyone is to have survived the purge from the South and carve out a name, its him
so, whats he like?
actually, considering the time
Gimme a writeup of some past exploits and Ill whip him up for next week eh?
Doc: this is good timing because I’m about to crash

Ken (GM) things settled in the camps and with merchants, the day passes into night; the scorned know the chieftains will work to an accord with the Lords. The dwarves have spread rumors and sated their fill, the work for a militia has been raised, and soon, you will set out North on the Kings highway.

Ken (GM): Next week: LETS STAB JADEITE
Syviis: YUS
Joush M.: Ah! Yeah.. I’m about out of time too. Thank you for the game man
Ken (GM): np
Fiss: Thanks for the session Ken! Hope your Eyeholes feel better!
Gray: Good luck with your eyeballs
Ken (GM): [FUCK jalapenos suck]
P.P. A.: Thanks for the session!
Ken (GM): im good now; pretty sure i got baking soda in them, so thats done with
P.P. A.: Feels good to GURPS and GrimWyrd again, I missed it
Doc: Good to get back into this game, nice session
Ken (GM): grats PPA on Suthri being the most reasonable dwarf to ever barter
Ken (GM): wootski
P.P. A.: He makes up for it by eating swords
Like “Eat Man” in Dwarf form.
Ken (GM): and less suck
MUCH less suck
Fiss: Yes. What a weird show/manga…. it did have a number of great adventure hooks, though
Anyway, 4 pointers?
Ken (GM): oh shit yeah, 4XP all around 😛
Fiss: Rad, heading out. o/
P.P. A.: \o

About KentonBlack

I'm an avid gamer, computer troubleshooter, and all around dashing fellow. I blog After Action Reports on my gaming, running as the GM for several GURPS 4e games
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